The Numbers Don’t Lie: 2016 Social Media Statistics

Social media is growing and there are statistics to back it up. Remember Myspace? and remember when Facebook was strictly for college students? Social media has changed drastically in the last 10 years and platforms are changing daily. With the introduction of platforms like Snapchat social media as marketers know it is not the same. To get to know where social media is today, here are the top social media statistics of 2016.

Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 10.59.23 PM.pngAccording to

  • Social networks earned an estimated $8.3 billion from advertising in 2015
  • 38% of organizations plan to spend more than 20% of their total advertising budgets on social media channels in 2015, up from 13% a year ago
  • Only 20 Fortune 500 companies actually engage with their customers on Facebook, while 83% have a presence on Twitter
  • People aged 55-64 are more than twice as likely to engage with branded content than those 28 or younger
  • 96% of the people that discuss brands online do not follow those brands’ owned profiles
  • 78 percent of people who complain to a brand via Twitter expect a response within an hour
  • On WordPress alone, 56 million blog posts are published every month
  • A 2011 study by AOL/Nielsen showed that 27 million pieces of content were shared every day
  • The top 3 content marketing tactics are blogging (65%); social media (64%); and case studies (64%)
  • Facebook now sees 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million users
  • Snapchat users watch 6 billion videos every day
  • US adults spend an average of 1 hour, 16 minutes each day watching video on digital devices
  • 78% of people watch online videos every week, 55% watch every day

What statistics did find surprising?, comment below and share your thoughts.

Smith, K. (2016, Mar 7). Marketing: 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts for 2016. Brandwatch. Retrieved from

No Humans Required

Autonomous driving has been talked about for ideas, but until recently it was just a futuristic idea. Automotive brands like Ford and BMW are putting money behind self-driving to being the idea to consumers around the world. Automonous cars are capable navigating vehicles without the use of human drivers. “BMW, Ford, and Uber have all recently said they plan to have “fully autonomous” cars ready to drive themselves on the road in 2021. Ford says its fleet of vehicles will lack steering wheels and offer a robotic taxi service.” (Simonite, 2016).

Uber has been testing Ford Fusions in Pittsburgh within the past month. With testing Uber has offered customers in Pittsburgh to request self-driving cars. Uber chose Pittsburgh due to its challenging topography, various weather conditions and bridges (Dwoskin, 2016). As the technology to put self-driving vehicles on the road seems to be coming to fruition I want be forth many consumers like myself have, how efficient is this technology? How do we know self-driving cars will be safe? With humans behind the wheel there is the element of control even in unpredictable situations, but now consumer will be expected to put their trust in technology. Automotive companies have a lot of ground to cover to get consumer to buy in the self-driving concept.


According to

Self-driving cars are a rapidly evolving technology which only a few years ago was still considered science fiction. In such a dynamic context, quick intuitions can be very misleading and misconceptions about the technology, its impact, and the nature of the innovation process abound. In the following we address some of the most widely held misconceptions about autonomous vehicles:

Top misconceptions

  • Driver assistance systems will evolve gradually into fully autonomous cars
  • The first models of fully autonomous cars will be targeted to the consumer and will be available for purchase
  • It will take decades until most of the vehicles on the road are capable of autonomous driving
  • Self-driving cars are controlled by classical computer algorithms (if-then rules)
  • Public demonstrations of self-driving cars provide an indication of their capabilities
  • Self-driving cars need to make the right ethical judgements
  • To convince us that they are safe, self-driving cars must drive hundreds of millions of miles

It will be up to the automotive industry to convenience consumers that autonomous driving is safe and not a wacky futuristic idea. Will you be sitting in the passenger seat while your car does the driving?

Simonite, T. (2016, Aug 23). Prepare to be underwhelmed by 2021’s autonomous cars. Technology Review. Retrieved from


Dwoskin, E. (2016, Sept 4). Inside Pittsburgh’s driver’s-seat move on Uber’s autonomous-car testing. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

Million Dollar YouTube Stars

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YouTube has over a billion users and has launched in 88 countries, with accessibility to 76 different languages. YouTube was launched in 2005 and the video platform has since taken off. Last year YouTube’s head of content reported the platform has seen 50% growth annually, (Beck, 2015). YouTube features all types of content from product reviews to daily vlogs. The popularity of YouTube and its content has also launched the career of proclaimed “YouTube Stars”.

“YouTube has transformed the way people watch video. The shift from passive consumption of content to active engagement with that content — and the creators producing it — has enormous implications for entertainment, branding and behaviour. To find success on YouTube, established names in the YouTube universe have plenty of guidance and advice to inspire individuals and brands alike.” (Think with Google. 2015).

YouTube star not only garner millions of videos, but those views translate to dollars. YouTubee make money from ads, sponsored content, and viewer donations. Of all the YouTube creators, there are the top 3 YouTube making millions in 2015.

  • PewDiePie: $12 million

Subscribers: 48M
# of Videos: 2K+

  • Smosh: $8.5

Subscribers: 22M
# of Videos: 700+

  • Fine Bros ENT/ React

Subscribers: 20M
# of Videos: 1.5K+


The money YouTube stars are being in is proof that YouTube is more than is a storage platform for video content, it is also a business.

Do you have a favorite YouTube star or channel?


Beck, M (2015, Feb 18). YouTube Says Growth Is Still Strong Despite Push From Facebook. Marketing Land. Retrieved from

Statistics. (2016). YouTube. Retrieved from

Berg, M. (2015, Nov 2). The World’s Highest-Paid YouTube Stars 2015. Forbes. Retrieved from

Apple Cuts the Cord

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On September 7th, 2016 Apple hosted it’s highly anticipated Apple WWDC 2016 Keynote. The annual keynote is always fully of announcements that send technology lovers and consumers into an electronic frenzy. Apple announced updates to the Apple TV, the Macbook and Apple Watch, but the whatever one was looking forward was what they had to say about their best-selling product, the iPhone.

Apple unveiled the 7th generation iPhone. The iPhone came with a host of upgrades including new design, new colors, more storage, water resistance and improved battery-life. But, there is one feature that stood out among them all. The removal of the headphone jack. Yes, apple removed the headphone jack. They removed the jack presented AirPods the world, their wireless earbuds.

“Apple today introduced AirPods, innovative new wireless headphones that use advanced technology to reinvent how we listen to music, make phone calls, enjoy TV shows and movies, play games and interact with Siri, providing a wireless audio experience not possible before. AirPods eliminate the hassles of wireless headphones, by just flipping open the lid of its innovative charging case and with one tap, they are instantly set up and ready to work with your iPhone and Apple Watch. Advanced sensors know when you are listening and automatically play and pause your music. Using Siri, AirPods allow you to access your favorite personal assistant with just a double tap. This revolutionary experience is enabled by the new ultra-low power Apple W1 chip, which enables AirPods to deliver high-quality audio and industry-leading battery life in a completely wireless design. AirPods will be available starting in late October.” (Apple, 2016).

Consumers had quite a reaction online to the announcement. The consensus seemed to be why change things when regular headphones worked just fine. Here are what consumers took to Twitter to express:

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What are your thoughts on AirPods?


Cnet. (2016, Sept 7). Jet-black Apple iPhone 7 is here with a water-resistant body, better cameras, 256GB capacity — and no headphone jack (hands-on). Retrieved from

Apple. (2016, Sept 7). Apple reinvents the wireless headphone with AirPods. Retrieved from

“Dude, Where’s My Post?”: The Woes of Social Media Algorithms

Have you noticed that there are certain people you follow on social media who posts you see all the time? Have you noticed that there are people whose posts you rarely see? The reason for this is social media algorithms.


What are social media algorithms?

In technical terms, “An algorithm is a step by step method of solving a problem. It is commonly used for data processing, calculation and other related computer and mathematical operations.” (Techopedia, 2016). Social media platforms with algorithm-based news feeds takes into consideration various metrics and your interaction on the platform to decide in what order you content in on your feed.

What social media platforms are using algorithms?

Facebook and Instagram use algorithms.

Facebook adapted the algorithm system early on, the network wanted to give users the ability to see post that mattered rather than seeing useless content based on chronological order.


Factors that influence this algorithm, and whether you appear on someone’s newsfeed:

  • How often have you interacted with this type of post?
  • How often have you and everyone else hidden this type of post?
  • The level of engagement that page and post has received.
  • The performance of each post among users that have already viewed it.

Recently Instagram, who was purchased by Facebook, has converted to the algorithm system. Instagram claims that the algorithm was the best option as the app continues the grow and it because harder to see the post that are important to you. There are a lot of people who aren’t happy with the change. I logged onto Instagram today and the first post I see is post a follower posted 1 day ago. I like to get on Instagram and see fresh content, I want to see what people are posting in the moment.

Factors that influence this algorithm, and whether you appear on someone’s newsfeed:

“The posts are ordered non-chronologically. Instead, Instagram’s new algorithm will be taking into account a post’s timestamp, your historical interactions with the user who shared it, and how interesting it thinks you’ll find the post. The more amped the algorithm thinks you’ll be about a pic, the higher up the pic will be in your feed.” (Foley, 2016)

Advice on Cheat the System:

Utilize the alerts/notification capabilities of platforms and interact with profiles you want to see the most. In my opinion, the system has pros and cons. Check out the details of your favorite social networks work and try and make the best out of a technical situation.

What has been your experience with algorithms? Comment below


Agrawal, A. (2016, Apr 20). What do social media algorithms mean for you? Forbes. Retrieved from

Foley, M. (2016, Jun 6). How does the new Instagram feed work? Your timeline will be determined by a few different factors. Bustle. Retrieved from

Everybody is Listening, Are You?


Podcasts were introduced introduced in the early 2000s, however recently users listening in America has taken has taken off.

What is a Podcast?

Audio files made available through the internet and various apps. Podcast are presented in episodic forms. Podcast topics vary from parenting to entertainment, from career advice to money management, there is a podcast about everything.

Fun Fact: The word podcast comes from the availability of the audio files on iPods (iPod + Broadcast = Podcast)

Although podcast have been available since the early 2000s, and some refer to podcast as the off spring of talk radio, listenership of podcast has increased 75% since 2013. This growth in listeners has been greatly attributed to increased use of mobile devices. “The rise in podcast consumption over the past two years correlates with an even larger shift in HOW podcasts are consumed. Circa 2014, most podcasts were being listened to on a computer, which restricts consumption windows,” (Baer, 2016). Statistics show that 64% of podcasts are being listened to on a smartphone or tablet. “Listeners gravitating toward podcasts on the go opens up many more opportunities for consumption, including in the car, at the gym, and other computer-free environments.”

Screen Shot 2016-08-29 at 8.39.29 PM.png

Since 2013 I have been an avid listener of podcast. For my listenership was driven by friends suggesting shows having the app directly on my iPhone. It has been interesting watching the growth of podcast and how it is becoming a viable form of emerging media. Today, podcasters run ads on their shows, sell merchandise and host live shows. The podcast industry is BOOMING ! I listen to at least 5 podcast episodes a week and I am always looking to add more shows to my library.


Do you listen to podcasts? If so, what do you like most about this form of media?


Baer, J. (2016). The 5 Key 2016 Podcast Statistics. Convince and Convert. Retrieved from

Starak, Y. (2016). What is a Podcast? Entrepreneurs Journey. Retrieved from

Where Social Media Meets Culture: Black Twitter


According to article entitled “African Americans and Technology” it was found that 73% of African American are internet users and of those users 22% are Twitter users. Twitter is a diverse platform that caters millions of users, but for African Americans this platform is a unique part of emerging media.

Twitter was created in 2006 around the time another platform was dominating the social network realm (Remember Myspace?). However, it wasn’t until 2009 when Twitter became popular among the masses. This was my senior year of High School and can still remember my early days of using Twitter. The message bar on the Twitter sites asks “What are you doing” and I’d reply with just that “I’m on my way home from school”, I followed friends and strangers and it was just a place for me to say what I had to say in less than 140 characters. Today, Twitter is billion-dollar platform used to meet new people, advertise and break news. For African American users Twitter to gain a since of community in the space of Twitter donned #BlackTwitter.


Black Twitter is a force. It’s also not particularly well understood by those who aren’t a part of it. The term is used to describe a large network of black Twitter users and their loosely coordinated interactions, many of which accumulate into trending topics due to the network’s size, interconnectedness, and unique activity,” (Ramsey, 2015).

Interview with a #BlackTwitter user:

Following: 274 Followers:567
User since: April 2009

What does #BlackTwitter mean to you?

As an African African Black Twitter is place for me to talk and joke with people who look and talk like me. It feels like Black Twitter is sacred place where everyone is allowed, but they may not “get it”.

When did you realize #BlackTwitter was a thing?

It always felt like a community, but I didn’t realize it until I saw media outlets like BuzzFeed use jokes and tweets from Black Twitter to create content, jokes and hashtags created from Black Twitter go viral all the time.

What is your favorite part of #BlackTwitter?

The sense of community and the fact that I can get on Twitter and know I am not alone in my life experience as an African American. When someone does something wrong to offend our culture we stand together point it out. For example, the #BlackLiveMatter movement there have been so many events in the world that might have gone unnoticed if it wasn’t for Black Twitter using our voices to make it national news.


Black Twitter is place where users can laugh, connect and spark serious conversations. African American consumers are online and using platforms in ways the strengthen the community. Black Twitter is only a segmented part of Twitter, but an area that should not go unnoticed.

Carlson, N. (2011, Apr 13). The real history of Twitter. Business Insider. Retrieved from

Mcdonald, S. (2014, Jan 20). Black Twitter: A virtual community ready to hashtag out a response to cultural issues. Washington Post. Retrieved

Smith, A. (2014, Jan 6). African Americans and Technology Use. Pew Internet. Retrieved from

What’s Emerging in Media?

In 1999 had you asked Gen-Xers if they thought their children would be consumed with the internet and connecting with strangers all around the world they would probably said no. However, if you would have asked if they thought their children would be newspaper subscription owners they could have probably have said yes. According to Pew Research Center “In 2015, the newspaper sector had perhaps the worst year since the recession and its immediate aftermath. Average weekday newspaper circulation, print and digital combined, fell another 7% in 2015, the greatest decline since 2010”. While print newspaper circulation continues to decline, users of social media platforms continue to grow.


This how media is consistently changing and new media continues to emerge.

What is emerging media?
In a simple statement, emerging media is the evolution of traditional media. Traditional media is media outlets that have been used in the marketing communications world for years like TV, radio, newspaper and magazines. Emerging media is what is growing from traditional media, it is the future. New media includes interacting in the digital landscape, online communities, social networks, mobile streaming and online streaming. A decade ago you could only view broadcasts and advertise on TV, today that all can take place on YouTube.

With that being said it is important to pay attention what is going on, the world of media continuously advancing as were introduced to new ways to receive and deliver messages.

What is your opinion on emerging media? Do you have a favorite form of traditional media that you like more than new media?   


Chaffey, D. (2016, Aug 8). “Global social media research summary 2016. Smart Insights”. Retrieved from

Holcomb, J. Mitchell, A. (2016, Jun 15). “State of the News Media 2015”. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from