The Numbers Don’t Lie: 2016 Social Media Statistics

Social media is growing and there are statistics to back it up. Remember Myspace? and remember when Facebook was strictly for college students? Social media has changed drastically in the last 10 years and platforms are changing daily. With the introduction of platforms like Snapchat social media as marketers know it is not the same. To get to know where social media is today, here are the top social media statistics of 2016.

Screen Shot 2016-10-04 at 10.59.23 PM.pngAccording to

  • Social networks earned an estimated $8.3 billion from advertising in 2015
  • 38% of organizations plan to spend more than 20% of their total advertising budgets on social media channels in 2015, up from 13% a year ago
  • Only 20 Fortune 500 companies actually engage with their customers on Facebook, while 83% have a presence on Twitter
  • People aged 55-64 are more than twice as likely to engage with branded content than those 28 or younger
  • 96% of the people that discuss brands online do not follow those brands’ owned profiles
  • 78 percent of people who complain to a brand via Twitter expect a response within an hour
  • On WordPress alone, 56 million blog posts are published every month
  • A 2011 study by AOL/Nielsen showed that 27 million pieces of content were shared every day
  • The top 3 content marketing tactics are blogging (65%); social media (64%); and case studies (64%)
  • Facebook now sees 8 billion average daily video views from 500 million users
  • Snapchat users watch 6 billion videos every day
  • US adults spend an average of 1 hour, 16 minutes each day watching video on digital devices
  • 78% of people watch online videos every week, 55% watch every day

What statistics did find surprising?, comment below and share your thoughts.

Smith, K. (2016, Mar 7). Marketing: 96 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts for 2016. Brandwatch. Retrieved from

Apple Cuts the Cord

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On September 7th, 2016 Apple hosted it’s highly anticipated Apple WWDC 2016 Keynote. The annual keynote is always fully of announcements that send technology lovers and consumers into an electronic frenzy. Apple announced updates to the Apple TV, the Macbook and Apple Watch, but the whatever one was looking forward was what they had to say about their best-selling product, the iPhone.

Apple unveiled the 7th generation iPhone. The iPhone came with a host of upgrades including new design, new colors, more storage, water resistance and improved battery-life. But, there is one feature that stood out among them all. The removal of the headphone jack. Yes, apple removed the headphone jack. They removed the jack presented AirPods the world, their wireless earbuds.

“Apple today introduced AirPods, innovative new wireless headphones that use advanced technology to reinvent how we listen to music, make phone calls, enjoy TV shows and movies, play games and interact with Siri, providing a wireless audio experience not possible before. AirPods eliminate the hassles of wireless headphones, by just flipping open the lid of its innovative charging case and with one tap, they are instantly set up and ready to work with your iPhone and Apple Watch. Advanced sensors know when you are listening and automatically play and pause your music. Using Siri, AirPods allow you to access your favorite personal assistant with just a double tap. This revolutionary experience is enabled by the new ultra-low power Apple W1 chip, which enables AirPods to deliver high-quality audio and industry-leading battery life in a completely wireless design. AirPods will be available starting in late October.” (Apple, 2016).

Consumers had quite a reaction online to the announcement. The consensus seemed to be why change things when regular headphones worked just fine. Here are what consumers took to Twitter to express:

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What are your thoughts on AirPods?


Cnet. (2016, Sept 7). Jet-black Apple iPhone 7 is here with a water-resistant body, better cameras, 256GB capacity — and no headphone jack (hands-on). Retrieved from

Apple. (2016, Sept 7). Apple reinvents the wireless headphone with AirPods. Retrieved from

“Dude, Where’s My Post?”: The Woes of Social Media Algorithms

Have you noticed that there are certain people you follow on social media who posts you see all the time? Have you noticed that there are people whose posts you rarely see? The reason for this is social media algorithms.


What are social media algorithms?

In technical terms, “An algorithm is a step by step method of solving a problem. It is commonly used for data processing, calculation and other related computer and mathematical operations.” (Techopedia, 2016). Social media platforms with algorithm-based news feeds takes into consideration various metrics and your interaction on the platform to decide in what order you content in on your feed.

What social media platforms are using algorithms?

Facebook and Instagram use algorithms.

Facebook adapted the algorithm system early on, the network wanted to give users the ability to see post that mattered rather than seeing useless content based on chronological order.


Factors that influence this algorithm, and whether you appear on someone’s newsfeed:

  • How often have you interacted with this type of post?
  • How often have you and everyone else hidden this type of post?
  • The level of engagement that page and post has received.
  • The performance of each post among users that have already viewed it.

Recently Instagram, who was purchased by Facebook, has converted to the algorithm system. Instagram claims that the algorithm was the best option as the app continues the grow and it because harder to see the post that are important to you. There are a lot of people who aren’t happy with the change. I logged onto Instagram today and the first post I see is post a follower posted 1 day ago. I like to get on Instagram and see fresh content, I want to see what people are posting in the moment.

Factors that influence this algorithm, and whether you appear on someone’s newsfeed:

“The posts are ordered non-chronologically. Instead, Instagram’s new algorithm will be taking into account a post’s timestamp, your historical interactions with the user who shared it, and how interesting it thinks you’ll find the post. The more amped the algorithm thinks you’ll be about a pic, the higher up the pic will be in your feed.” (Foley, 2016)

Advice on Cheat the System:

Utilize the alerts/notification capabilities of platforms and interact with profiles you want to see the most. In my opinion, the system has pros and cons. Check out the details of your favorite social networks work and try and make the best out of a technical situation.

What has been your experience with algorithms? Comment below


Agrawal, A. (2016, Apr 20). What do social media algorithms mean for you? Forbes. Retrieved from

Foley, M. (2016, Jun 6). How does the new Instagram feed work? Your timeline will be determined by a few different factors. Bustle. Retrieved from