Push to Start Cars Are Sooo #TBT

Products with voice commands are taking the market by storm from smartphones to TV devices you can tell you devices what you want and what you are looking for. Amazon has released a product that you get anything with one command “Hello, Alexa”.

This year Amazon released Amazon Echo, a hands-free speaker that consumers can control with their voice. “Echo has seven microphones and beam forming technology so it can hear you from across the room—even while music is playing. Echo is also an expertly tuned speaker that can fill any room with 360° immersive sound. When you want to use Echo, just say the wake word “Alexa” and Echo responds instantly. If you have more than one Echo or Echo Dot, you can set a different wake word for each—you can pick “Amazon”, “Alexa” or “Echo” as the wake word.” (Amazon, 2016). Amazon

Echo provides information, news, weather, music, and can even start your car.


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Yes, Amazon Echo can start your car. Hyundai announced in August that it has partnered with Amazon to assist Genesis owners with their car. Genesis is the new luxury division of Hyundai; the car brand is enticing users with offering voice command capabilities. From the comfort of their homes owner’s car use the Amazon Echo to perform basic functions for the vehicle. “So, for instance, the customer who wants the car running and air conditioning blasting for a daily commute need only say something like, “Alexa, tell Genesis to start my car at 70 degrees.” Or an owner might bark, “Alexa, tell Genesis to lock my car” from the comfort of their living room.” (Woodyard, 2016).


Hyundai and Amazon are showing the world how the internet of things and connected can add convenience to the lives of consumers.


What do you think about starting your car from your living room?


Woodyard, C. (2016, Aug 18). Amazon’s Alexa can now boss around Hyundai Genesis cars. USA Today. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2016/08/18/amazons-alexa-can-now-boss-around-hyundai-genesis-cars/88938220/